§1. Scope of application of the surf park regulations

(1) We, Surftown GmbH, operate the surf park in Hallbergmoos and look forward to your visit. We want to ensure safe operation and order and cleanliness in the entire area of the surf park (including the parking lots and access routes) and therefore ask you to comply with the rules set out in these surf park regulations for your visit to our surf park and the use of its facilities.

(2) In the following, we refer to you e.g. as a surfer, participant, day guest, visitor or accompanying person and always mean you as a woman, man or diverse person. This also applies to the members of our team and all other persons referred to in these surf park regulations.

(3) Should the meaning of any provision of this English translation of our surf park regulations deviate from the German language version or should any other difficulties of interpretation arise, the German text of our surf park regulations and its interpretation shall prevail over this English translation.

§2. Binding nature of the surf park regulations

(1) The surf park regulations are binding for all visitors to the surf park, regardless of whether you wish to use the restricted area of the surf park as a surfer, day guest, accompanying person or visitor to an event organized in the surf park or another event, or whether you are only staying in one of the publicly accessible areas of the surf park. In individual cases, we may allow exceptions to the surf park regulations for events or functions, which will then be announced separately. Visitors to these events and functions must also comply with all the safety requirements set out in these surf park regulations for other visitors to the surf park and, in particular, for participants in booked surf or bodyboard sessions (see in particular §10 and §11).

(2) By entering the surf park grounds (including the parking lots and access routes), purchasing a ticket or accepting access authorization (RFID wristband), you acknowledge that you are bound by the surf park regulations. The statutory regulations apply to the inclusion of the surf park regulations in a contract concluded between us for the use of the surf park.

(3) We exercise domiciliary rights through the members of our team and other authorized representatives. We therefore ask you to follow the instructions of the members of our team at all times. You also agree that the members of our team may, in justified cases of suspicion, inspect your clothing and containers for the presence of dangerous objects. If you violate the rules set out in the surf park regulations, we will ask you to remedy the situation and, in the event of non-compliance with the rules or instructions, may have to expel you from the surf park and take custody of any dangerous objects you have brought with you. In such a case, you will not be entitled to a refund of any entrance fees you may have paid. In extreme cases, we reserve the right to ban you from the premises.

§3. Opening hours, prices, access to the surf park

(1) Our opening hours and the current price list are published on our website ( They can also be viewed at the surf park ticket office.

(2) We enable you to pay digitally using the usual means of card payment such as credit, debit or EC cards or your smart devices (Apple Pay and Google Pay). You can also use the payment function of your RFID wristband (see §4). Unfortunately, we cannot accept cash payments, credit your purchases or rentals, or allow payment on account. Please keep the admission ticket you receive at the cash desk and the access authorization (RFID wristband) until you leave the surf park. You may not give your admission ticket or access authorization (RFID wristband) to a third party.

(3) Admission to our surf park and access to its public areas (parking lot, entrance area, restaurant, store and toilets) is generally open to everyone. However, children up to the age of 14 and persons who are unable to move around safely without assistance must be accompanied by a suitable adult. With the exception of the toilets, you may also bring dogs into the public areas if they are kept on a lead and supervised. If you are under the influence of intoxicating substances (alcohol or drugs of any kind), have an animal or dangerous objects with you or suffer from a notifiable, communicable disease or open wounds, we regret that we cannot grant you access to the restricted areas of the surf park. Special rules apply to the use of individual areas of the surf park, which we will inform you of in the relevant section of these surf park regulations. Please note that the restricted access area of the surf park may only be entered with a valid admission ticket or your access authorization (RFID wristband) at the designated visitor entrances.

(4) During our general opening hours, you can use all public areas and, after purchasing your ticket, also the restricted access area of the surf park. Please note, however, that you can only use the wavepool (surfpool) for your surf or bodyboard session within the time slot you have booked. You must therefore leave the wavepool immediately at the end of the surf or bodyboard session you have booked.

(5) We may stipulate special access requirements and opening hours for surfing or bodyboarding offers for members, schools, clubs or for events for certain groups of people and may not make the surf park accessible to the general public in this respect.

(6) Please note that we cannot grant you a reduction or refund of your ticket price if we restrict the use of individual offers or individual parts of the operation after prior notice. If a premature closure of the surf park premises is necessary for technical (e.g. failure of the wave generators), organizational, operational or weather-related reasons for which we are not responsible intentionally or through gross negligence, you are also not entitled to a full or partial refund of the ticket price.

§4. Digital credit for payments via RFID wristband

(1) The RFID wristband also gives you the option of making cashless payments for other services and goods at the surf park. To do this, you must load credit onto your online account in advance, which you can then use for cashless payment in the surf park.

(2) You can view the amount of your credit at any time via your online account.

(3) The credit balance of the online account is not transferable.

(4) The credit will not be paid out in cash or refunded via another means of payment.

§5. General rules of conduct

(1) Please behave on the grounds belonging to the surf park and the parking lots and access roads in such a way that you do not endanger yourself or others and other visitors to the surf park are not offended by your behavior.

(2) As the accompanying person, please take responsibility for the visitors entrusted to you, especially for the children accompanying you, and supervise them. We cannot supervise the visitors accompanying you unless they are expressly entrusted to our care, e.g. for a surf or bodyboard course for the children. You are released from your duty of supervision during the course times. If you breach your duty of supervision as a parent or accompanying person, you are liable for the children accompanying you.

(3) Please treat the surf park facilities and rental items with care and do not cause any damage or soiling for which we would have to hold you liable. Please keep your admission ticket and access authorization (RFID wristband) as well as all items provided by us (wetsuits, lycra, helmets, life jackets, surf and body boards and other surf and body board equipment including accessories as well as all other items rented from us) in such a way that loss or damage is avoided. In particular, you should wear them on your body (especially the RFID wristband), keep them with you on the paths in the surf park and not leave them unattended.

(4) You may use musical instruments, sound or image reproduction devices and other media to the extent that they do not cause a nuisance to other visitors.

(5) You may only move around the surf park's permanent grounds on foot. For reasons of safety and hygiene, motorized or non-motorized means of transport such as bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, roller skates, scooters and other means of transport may not be used on the surf park grounds unless we have designated separate areas for this purpose.

(6) It is not permitted to carry or operate drones or any kind of remote-controlled toys and devices. This also applies to the possession or carrying of weapons, dummy weapons or dangerous objects such as firearms, sharp/sharp knives, chains, brass knuckles, pepper spray, stun guns, tools, large scissors, wires, crossbows, bows and arrows, blowpipes, slingshots, baseball bats, fireworks or other pyrotechnic objects as well as the carrying or display of any kind of discriminatory, violence-glorifying or anti-constitutional objects.

(7) You may only advertise or offer goods and services on the grounds and in the parking lots of the surf park with our prior written permission. This also applies to the conducting of opinion polls and censuses as well as political activities, events, demonstrations, the distribution of printed matter, the display of posters or notices, the collection of signature lists or the use of the surf park for other commercial or other purposes not customary for a surf park.

(8) The consumption of food and drinks brought in is not permitted anywhere in the surf park, both outside and inside. Bringing alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

(9) Fragile containers (e.g. containers made of glass or porcelain) may not be brought in.

(10) You may only smoke in the designated areas. This also applies to electronic cigarettes.

(11) You may not enter the barefoot areas with street shoes. Any aids you bring with you, such as baby carriages, buggies, wheelchairs or walking frames, as well as wheeled suitcases, must be cleaned by you or the person accompanying you before entering the barefoot area.

(12) You must cleanse your body before using the wavepool. Shaving, nail clipping, hair coloring, etc. are not permitted in any of the surf park facilities.

(13) Checkroom lockers and/or valuables lockers are only available for use during the validity of your access authorization. We do not grant you a specific right of use. After closing time, all lockers and safe deposit boxes that are still locked will be opened and emptied if necessary. The contents will then be treated as lost property. You can collect them by arrangement during our opening hours.

(14) Please hand over any other lost property to a member of our team, who will handle it in accordance with the law.

(15) If you discover anything on the surf park premises (including the parking lot) that is potentially dangerous or violates our guidelines set out in these surf park regulations, please report it immediately to a member of our team. We also ask you to inform us immediately of any accidents or injuries to visitors to the surf park so that first aid can be provided immediately.

§6. Video surveillance

(1) The surf park is under video surveillance.

(2) The monitoring serves to ensure the safety of visitors and members of our team as well as to protect the facilities and equipment.

§7. Photography and filming

(1) If you come to us as a surfer or bodyboarder, we not only want to offer you great surf or bodyboard sessions, but also make your day with us an all-round experience from which you can also take photos or videos of your rides home with you. For this purpose, a photographer is on hand to take pictures of your rides. We have also installed a video system at the wavepool that films all surfers and bodyboarders. The entire surf or bodyboard session is first photographed or recorded on video, respectively, and then the respective images and videos are individually assigned to you and the other participants in your surf or bodyboard session with the help of the software-based evaluation of the participants' physical characteristics. In this way, with the support of artificial intelligence, we create a film and video file from your rides in the respective surf or bodyboard session, which only contains recordings of yourself ("session film"). This session movie is stored for a period of 4 days on a platform that is only publicly accessible to a limited extent ("platform").

(2) Following your surf or bodyboard session, we will show the session film on monitors or similar devices in the surf park and send you an email with an internet link to the platform, which you can use to view the session film and then decide to purchase it. Via a corresponding link, all other participants in your surf or bodyboard session will also have access to all files stored on the platform for this surf or bodyboard session, which we create in the aforementioned manner for each participant in the surf or bodyboard session, and could also view your session film. We will ask all participants to only access the file and only purchase the movie of the surf or bodyboard session that contains the footage of the respective participant. However, we cannot guarantee that all participants will adhere to these guidelines. However, please be assured that we will not publish your name or other personal data, not even as source text to the photos and/or videos. We will not publish the photos or videos of your rides or your session film in print media, on websites, in social media or other publications, nor will we use them for advertising or marketing purposes. Your session film will be automatically deleted after the storage period of 4 days has expired.

(3) We will inform you again in the entrance area and at the wavepool about the creation of photos and video recordings of your rides. By accessing the wavepool, you declare your consent and agree to the creation of photos and videos of your person during surfing or bodyboarding as part of a surf or bodyboard session without remuneration, as well as to their processing for the purpose of assigning and compiling recording sequences of your rides to create the session film. Your consent also includes the presentation on monitors or similar devices in the surf park as well as the storage and public accessibility of your session film on the platform for the purpose of viewing and purchasing the recordings of your surf or bodyboard session, whereby both access to your session film and its purchase would also be possible for the other participants in your surf or bodyboard session. Children and young people up to the age of 18 require a written declaration of consent from their legal guardians for the photo and film recordings in order to participate in a surf or bodyboard session. The form is available from us, must be presented to us before the start of the surf session and will be archived by us.

(4) If you do not agree to storing and publishing your session film on the platform and are therefore not interested in viewing your rides after completing your surf or bodyboard session and possibly purchasing them, you have the option of requesting the deletion of your session film from a member of our team at the cash desk before leaving the surf park, which will then be arranged immediately.

(5) Insofar as film and photo recordings are made in the surf park for television programs, advertising or other occasions, the corresponding areas are marked accordingly or this is easily visible. You are free to avoid these areas during the production period of the respective recordings.

(6) Filming and photography for private purposes is permitted in the surf park, provided other visitors are not affected or disturbed by this. Please respect the privacy of other visitors and refrain from taking photos of other people unless you have obtained their prior consent.

(7) Professional photography and filming for commercial purposes are only permitted with the prior written consent of our management.

(8) The use of action cams (e.g. GoPros) and photography and filming below the surface of the water is only permitted with the express permission of a member of our team.

(9) If you are suspected of violating the aforementioned points, the members of our team are entitled to view your images and ask you to delete them in the presence of the respective team member.

§8. Liability

(1) We shall be liable to you in accordance with the statutory provisions for (a) damages resulting from injury to life, body or health that are based on an intentional or negligent breach of duty; (b) other damages that are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty; and (c) other damages that are based on a slightly negligent breach of a duty whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely (so-called "cardinal obligations"). In the cases of letter (c), however, our liability is limited to foreseeable damage typical for the contract, unless a case of letter (a) or (b) exists at the same time. Otherwise, our liability is excluded, irrespective of the legal grounds; this applies in particular to strict liability for defects in a rental object at the time the contract is concluded.

(2) Insofar as we have assumed a separate guarantee or other strict liability, the conditions of the respective guarantee or assumption of liability, or alternatively the statutory provisions, shall apply to damages arising from the breach of the guarantee or assumed liability. §8(1) shall not apply in this respect.

(3) Claims arising from the Product Liability Act remain unaffected. §8(1) shall not apply to these claims. The same applies to claims arising from other laws which expressly stipulate that the liability regulations cannot be deviated from in advance.

(4) This §8 also applies to any liability of our legal representatives, employees and freelancers.

(5) You know that surfing and bodyboarding are associated with risks and dangers, even in a surf park. We expect you to limit these risks through a realistic self-assessment of your skills and physical condition. The rules of conduct, which you must take note of, will help you to do this, as will the instructions of the members of our team. Within the surf park and especially at and in the wavepool, you must therefore follow the rules of conduct and instructions of the members of our team at all times in order to ensure the safety of yourself and the other participants in your surf or bodyboard session. This also applies to visitors to events and functions.

(6) We expressly advise you not to take any valuables into the surf park. We do not assume any obligation to guard or exercise due care for any valuables you bring with you and are only liable for the loss of valuables, cash and clothing in accordance with statutory regulations. This also applies to damage to your belongings by third parties.

(7) Please report any damage you have incurred to us before leaving the surf park. Please also notify us if there is reason to believe that an incident may result in damage at a later date.

§9. Rules of conduct for the changing areas

(1) Please do not enter the barefoot areas in the changing rooms with street shoes and keep the changing rooms as clean as possible.

(2) The depositing of money or valuables in a wardrobe and/or safe deposit box provided by us does not create any obligations on our part with regard to the deposited items. In particular, no safekeeping obligations are established. It is your sole responsibility when using a checkroom locker and/or a safe deposit box to lock them properly, to check that the respective device is securely locked and to keep the keys or the data carrier (RFID wristband) in a safe place.

(3) Please note that you can also use your RFID wristband to lock the locker and/or safe deposit box you are using. For this reason, it is also important that you store the RFID wristband securely.

§10. Rules of conduct for the wavepool

(1) We put your safety first in all activities. To ensure a safe environment for you and others, you must inform yourself about the risks of using the wavepool and familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct for the wavepool and follow them. In particular, you are obliged to comply with all safety rules and regulations set out in these surf park regulations (especially in §10 and §11) and to comply with them.

(2) All participants in surf or bodyboard sessions must follow the safety warnings and instructions of our team members. These warnings and instructions are for the protection of you and the other participants in your session. If you are unsure about how to behave, please ask a member of our team for advice.

(3) You must attend the mandatory safety briefing at the specified times in order to take part in your surf or bodyboard sessions. If you miss this briefing, you will not be allowed to enter the wavepool and therefore will not be able to take part in your booked session.

(4) The use of the wavepool with wave operation requires a good physical condition. You must be able to swim at least 25 meters on your own. You may neither be under the influence of intoxicating substances (alcohol or drugs of any kind) or suffer from acute illnesses or injuries. We cannot assess whether you are fit to take part in our surf or bodyboard sessions. If you or any member of your party has a medical condition or injury, or is otherwise of questionable physical or mental fitness to participate in our surf or bodyboard sessions, we recommend that you seek medical advice before visiting the surf park. Pregnant women are advised not to use the wavepool due to the dangers typical of the sport, as described in §10(10), as well as the physical demands of surfing and bodyboarding. If you are pregnant and still want to take part in a surf or bodyboard session at your own risk, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor beforehand. If you decide after a medical consultation for participation in our surf or bodyboard sessions you must contact a member of our team before entering the wavepool to discuss any specific requirements. By allowing you to take part in a surf or bodyboard session, we assume no liability for any effects on your health or, in the case of pregnant women, the health of your expectant child.

(5) We reserve the right to exclude you from participation in surf or bodyboard sessions or to terminate them prematurely if we are of the opinion that your (continued) participation is not advisable for safety or health reasons (e.g. due to size, physique, physical or mental limitations, permanent or temporary disabilities, the influence of intoxicating substances, acute illnesses or injuries, pregnancy, etc.). Such exclusion from or premature termination of your surf or bodyboard session is at our sole discretion and does not constitute discrimination, but is solely for your own safety and the safety of the other participants as well as the protection of your health. Unfortunately, in such a case we cannot refund you the ticket price in whole or in part.

(6) Surfing in regular surf and bodyboard sessions is permitted from the age of 11. Participation in specially designated children's surf and bodyboard courses is permitted from the age of 6. Children up to the age of 6 are not permitted to enter the wavepool or stay near it under any circumstances.

(7) The use of a helmet is mandatory for all persons up to the age of 18 and for beginners. For all others, we recommend wearing a helmet.

(8) You are obliged to check all your surf and bodyboard equipment (especially wetsuit, surf or bodyboard, leash and helmet if applicable) for functionality and safety before the start of your surf or bodyboard session, regardless of whether it is rental equipment or your own equipment. In particular, the board and the fins must be checked for cracks and sharp edges and the fins must be checked to ensure they are firmly attached. It is also essential to check the leash for length, condition, strength and that the Velcro fastener is fully functional. If you notice any defects, please contact a member of our team immediately. You may have to be allocated other surf or bodyboard equipment or rent it. Participation in a surf or bodyboard session is only permitted with fully functional and safe equipment. We reserve the right to prohibit the use of (your own) surf or bodyboard equipment and, if necessary, to refuse access to the wavepool if the surf or bodyboard equipment is not in perfect condition or poses a potential risk to you or other participants. This also applies if your surf or bodyboard equipment is unsuitable for the booked session (e.g. use of longboards in non-special longboard sessions) or is inadequate (e.g. too thin (neoprene-) clothing in cold temperatures).

(9) Please note that we are not responsible for checking the equipment brought along by other participants in your surf or bodyboard session and are therefore not liable for any damage caused by other participants due to their faulty equipment. If you notice any defects in the equipment of another participant in your session, please inform a member of our team.

(10) Use of the wavepool is at your own responsibility and risk. As with surfing and bodyboarding in the open sea, dangers can arise from your and other surfboards and bodyboards and in particular their accessories (fins and leash) as well as from other participants in your surf or bodyboard session. For example, another surfer or bodyboarder could "run you over" or otherwise collide with you, a leash could wrap around your neck and cause a pull, you could suffer a violent fall (wipeout) and/or collide roughly with the water, a surfboard or bodyboard and/or with the floor or edge of the wavepool. As a result, you could injure yourself, e.g. by sustaining (head) injuries from being "run over" or colliding with a surfboard or bodyboard or cuts from the fins of your own or someone else's surfboard, being strangled by a leash or suffering bruises to the lungs or injuries to the ear canal in the event of a fall. In addition, wavepools and their waves pose specific dangers, as the force of the waves can push or hold you under water, for example. There are also general dangers posed by the weather and temperatures, which can lead to hypothermia or sunburn, for example. In particularly unfortunate circumstances, you could suffer serious or life-threatening injuries with permanent damage, faint or even drown.

(11) Using the wavepool requires caution and consideration for the other participants in your surf or bodyboard session. Its use goes beyond the typical dangers of a swimming pool; you must adapt your behavior accordingly. Therefore, please behave responsibly and sensibly at all times in the wavepool and on the surf park grounds. Any reckless behavior that puts you or others in unnecessary danger is prohibited. Therefore, refrain from surf and bodyboard maneuvers that could endanger yourself or others. In particular, in cases where a collision with another surfer or bodyboarder appears possible, you are obliged to stop your ride in a controlled manner.

(12) Swimming and bathing for sporting or recreational purposes are prohibited in the entire surf park facility or limited to sessions specifically offered for this purpose. Jumping into the wavepool is prohibited, as is pushing or throwing other people or objects into it.

(13) Only approved sports equipment such as surfboards and bodyboards are permitted in the wavepool. The use of surf-typical sports and play equipment (e.g. diving equipment, snorkels) and swimming aids is only permitted with the consent of a member of our team. The use of protective eyewear (swimming goggles) is at your own risk, as is the wearing of glasses or sunglasses. It is also strongly discouraged to wear glasses or sunglasses in the wavepool for safety reasons. You must assume that items lost in the wavepool cannot be retrieved.

(14) You may only stay in the surf park's wavepool in the clothing provided (e.g. swimwear, wetsuit, lycra). Your clothing may not have pockets and you may not carry or wear anything loose on your body in the wavepool. In particular, cameras, cell phones, keys and similar loose items must be safely stowed away before your ride. We accept no liability for any items left behind.

(15) Different regulations apply to clothing in individual areas:

  1. Wearing an assigned, colored lycra is mandatory for participation in the surf or bodyboard session.
  2. Children up to the age of 11 must wear a wetsuit in the specially designated children's surf or bodyboard courses. In the opinion of the surf or bodyboard coaches or lifeguards, it may also be necessary to wear a life jacket.
  3. For hygienic reasons, swimwear must be worn under the rental wetsuit.

§11. Surf-specific rules of conduct

(1) Know your level: Always choose your surf or bodyboard session according to your ability. If your ability does not meet the requirements of the surf or bodyboard session, you are putting yourself and others in danger and disrupting the smooth running of the surf or bodyboard session.

(2) Follow the safety briefing carefully: Before your surf or bodyboard session, attend the mandatory safety briefing carefully and follow all information and instructions from the surf coaches and lifeguards.

(3) Check your equipment: Check your surf or bodyboard equipment carefully for function and safety. Make sure that your equipment poses no danger to you or others. Always wear a leash in the wavepool.

(4) Only surf in your zone: During your surf or bodyboard session, only surf and bodyboard in the zone assigned to you and do not change sides. Inform your surf or bodyboard coach if you want to leave the wavepool during your surf or bodyboard session. Only use the designated entrances and exits of the wavepool.

(5) Wait for your wave: Be patient, wait for your wave and join the lineup after you have surfed or bodyboarded your wave. Only one person is allowed to surf or bodyboard on a wave at the peak. Keep a safe distance from others, especially in the beginner zone.

(6) Be considerate of others: Make sure at all times that you do not pose a danger to others. If you violate the rules set out in these surf park regulations or put others or yourself in danger, our surf or bodyboard coaches and lifeguards may exclude you from the surf or bodyboard session.

(7) Respect the free passage of others: After a fall, clear the way as quickly as possible for following surfers and bodyboarders. Only paddle and walk across the designated paths and never obstruct the route of others. Paddle or ride in a wide arc around others. If in doubt, give up your right of way and wave if you do not have a clear path yourself.

(8) Always keep your board with you: Always keep your surfboard or bodyboard close to you. Always try to keep your surfboard or bodyboard under control and don't throw it away carelessly. Swimming and diving with or without a surf- or bodyboard are prohibited.

(9) Always fall flat: Never jump from your surfboard into the water with your feet or head first. If you fall, fall backwards as flat as possible. Always get off your surfboard at the end of the wave in a controlled and timely manner.

(10) Protect your head: Always protect your head with your arms when falling and underwater. Pay particular attention to protecting your head when surfing and to the dangers posed by your surfboard or bodyboard or other surfers and bodyboarders.

§12. Gastronomy

(1) We also offer catering on the surf park premises, which we operate with a cooperation partner. The catering area is subject to its own rules, which can be viewed on site.

(2) Please note that you are not allowed to enter the catering area in a wetsuit or wet swimwear. The catering area is not a barefoot area, so it is mandatory to wear shoes in the rooms there.

(3) You may not take food and drinks from the catering area into the outdoor area outside the catering area unless you have purchased them in take-away portions.

(4) The consumption of food and drinks brought in from outside is not permitted in the entire catering area, both outside and inside.

§13. Store and equipment rental

(1) Our surf store and equipment rental are available to you during the opening hours of the surf park. These are subject to their own rules in the form of general terms and conditions, which are displayed on site for the surf store and can be found at for the equipment rental.

(2) Please check your rental equipment immediately to ensure that it is complete and free of defects. If a rental item is not in working order or the size does not suit you, you can exchange it immediately.

(3) Please treat all rental items with care and return them to the rental store after your surf or bodyboard session.

§14. Sunbathing areas, footpath, children's playground and other specially designated areas

(1) The sunbathing areas are intended solely for rest and relaxation. Please do not cover loungers, chairs or other seating areas with towels, bags or other items if you are not using them. Objects placed on the loungers, chairs or other seating that are not only temporary will be removed by members of our team if necessary.

(2) We offer you the opportunity to take short walks on the surf park grounds on the paths on the roof and in front of the generator room. It goes without saying that you must stay on the path, not climb over the railing or jump into the wavepool and not throw people or objects down or into it. It is not possible to linger, sit or lie down there. Please be mindful, otherwise we will have to ask you to leave these walkways.

(3) The children's playground is open to all children up to the age of 11 who visit the surf park with you. As a parent or accompanying person, you are responsible for supervising the children accompanying you. We do not provide child minders or supervisors. We ask you and the children accompanying you to observe the rules we have set up at the children's playground regarding the use of the individual play equipment.

(4) There are also other sports and play facilities on the grounds of the surf park, such as a surfskate ramp. As there is a particular risk of injury when using the surfskate ramp (e.g. injuries from falls, especially to the head, as well as abrasions, bruises or broken bones), we only recommend it for children aged 6 and over and for adults. Children up to the age of 11 may only use the surfskate ramp if accompanied and supervised by an adult. The use of a helmet is mandatory for all persons up to the age of 18. We recommend that all others wear a helmet. The surfskate ramp can only be used by one person at a time. Sturdy footwear must be worn. Use of the surfskate ramp is prohibited on wet surfaces, under the influence of intoxicating substances (alcohol or drugs of any kind) or the suffering from acute illness or injury. These and other rules that you and the children accompanying you must observe when using the surfskate ramp can be found at the entrance to the surfskate ramp. Please note that we do not provide supervisory or monitoring staff.

§15. Parking and staying overnight on camping pitches

(1) The rules and signs of the German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) apply in our parking lot. Our signs must be followed.

(2) The parking lots and the camping pitches are under video surveillance. The monitoring serves to ensure the safety of visitors and overnight guests as well as members of our team as well as to protect the facilities and equipment.

(3) As a visitor to the surf park, please only park your vehicle in the designated visitor parking lots. Guests who wish to stay overnight in their camper vans should only use the camping pitches reserved especially for them. The employee parking lots may only be used by members of the Surftown GmbH team.

(4) In order to ensure trouble-free traffic, the instructions of members of our team in the parking and parking lots must be strictly observed. Please only park your vehicle in the designated parking areas. If you do not park your vehicle properly and thereby obstruct traffic or block a second parking lot, a camping pitch or staff parking space, we will be forced to have the vehicle towed away or relocated at your expense and risk.

(5) The areas provided for parking vehicles and parking camper vans are not monitored by us. A parking fee is therefore only charged for the provision of a parking space or camping pitch and not for the surveillance of the vehicle. When leaving the vehicle, please make sure that you have closed the doors, trunk, windows and sunroof. In your own interest, you should also not leave any valuables visible in the vehicle. Likewise, no vulnerable persons or animals may be left in the vehicle. If we become aware of any persons or animals left behind, the members of our team are instructed to free them for legal reasons. No liability will be accepted for any resulting damage.

(6) We are not liable in the event of theft or damage to your vehicle by third parties. This also applies to damage caused by storm, hail, flood, explosion, fire or other extraordinary events. Any damage that you believe to have been caused by a member of our team must be reported to a member of our team as soon as it is discovered and, if possible, during your stay, insofar as this is reasonable. However, we shall only be liable for any fault of the members of our team in the cases provided for in §8.

(7) You can only use our camping pitches subject to availability on site. Unfortunately, we can only offer you a spontaneous overnight stay without prior booking, without being able to guarantee the availability of a camping pitch in advance.

(8) In addition to the above rules and the general duties of consideration, additional regulations apply to the use of the camping pitches, which we also draw your attention to at the camping pitches and which we ask you to observe. These include, among others: Observance of evening quiet from 10 p.m.; ban on open fires or charcoal barbecues; ban on staying naked (including in the outdoor shower of your camper van); ban on going to the toilet on or around the camping pitches in the open air; obligation to take garbage with you; ban on photographing third parties without their consent. We reserve the right to announce further obligations on site, which we ask you to comply with.

Status: July 2024; subject to change.

Declarations of Consent for Photo and Film Recordings

Declaration of Consent to Photo and Film Recordings of your Child and to the Surf Park Regulations